Instructions after Braces
2. Pain & discomfort of teeth & adjacent soft tissues may occur due to placement of braces, bands & wires & after each adjustment.
3. The appliance you have had places is extremely delicate & need utmost care. Hence do not Finger or play with the appliance.
4. Brush after every meal in addition to morning & night, till the teeth & appliance are perfectly clean.
- Hard & Sticky food stuffs.
- Tough meat, Carbonated beverages.
- Contact sports
6. If you have any problem like loose bands, broken attachments etc. please telephone / contact your ORTHODONTIST immediately for an appointment.
7. If any attachment hurt the lips or cheeks keep a piece of moist cotton or wax or softened chewing gum over it temporarily.
8. Your appointment schedule is designed for smooth, efficient and timely completion of treatment. Compliance of the appointments will save trouble for you, your orthodontist & other patients. Inform in advance if you can keep the appt.
9. The treatment time will be increased if the patient does not co-operate with all instructions.
10. The treatment may be a total failure if the patient does not wear elastics, head gear/other appliances as prescribed.
11. Tooth mobility and gum swelling may be occur due to orthodontic treatment, if proper oral hygiene is not maintained during the treatment.
12. Poor oral hygiene may also result in permanent stains or cavities in the teeth.
13. There may be a total of finished treatment, if the retainers are not worn for the required duration of time.
14. There may be a relapse of treatment if deleterious oral habits such as tougue thrusting, mouth breathing, lip sucking etc. persist after completion of treatment.
15. Relapse of treatment may occur later due to eruption of the third molars.
16. Extractions, if not deemed necessary at the initial examination, may be needed later and carried out with due consent.